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The EESystem™, developed over 20 years by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, Ph.D, DNM, DCSJl, uses special custom computers to generate multiple bio-active energy fields, including scalar waves and EM Schumann Resonances, that can have significant positive effects on the body and mind.  EES™ has been installed throughout the United States by individuals, therapists, doctors, meditation and wellness centers. ​

Benefits Include...

  • Deep relaxation and rest

  • Pain relief

  • Inflammation reduction

  • Detoxification

  • Cognitive function and metal clarity improvement

  • Immune and nervous system support

  • Increase cellular charge levels to optimal 70-90 millivolts

  • Accelerate cell regeneration and repair

  • Mitigate harmful electromagnetic, microwave and electrical fields

Deeper Look At How EES Works | Jason Shurka


Mindfully Well has a 24-unit EESystem™ in a calm, quiet room with comfortable reclining chairs and beds for day use as well as overnight stays. 

Our EES™ space also contains a special chair with a quartz infused, geomagnetically aligned, phi (golden ratio) 76.345˚ pyramid over it. When properly designed, pyramids are said to amplify and focus the vital life force energy (prana, chi, aether etc.)


Information and statements are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Mindfully Well, PMA does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, treat, cure, prevent or diagnose illness. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, please see your healthcare provider.

Testimonials From Our Clients

What is The EESystem?

The Quantum Healer - Energy Enhancement System (EESystem)

Your Questions Answered: LIVE Q&A with Dr. Sandra Rose Michael

Meet Matthew

REVIVE with Tony Robbins | It’s Time to Awaken the Healer Within

Research on the EESystem: Measuring The Nervous System

"After about 20 hours in the EESystem I could breathe well enough to do small tasks at home and grocery shopping without help. My cataracts also cleared enough that I could drive again."

-Nita Patrie
Hendersonville, NC

*We are in the process of gathering testimonials. Stay tuned!

Learn More

The Revolution Of Healing | Dr. Sandra Rose Michael & Jason Shurka

Research On The EESystem: Measuring The Nervous System |
Roland Pankewich & Jason 

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